异麦芽低 聚糖 (Isomalto-oligosaccharide)
Isomalto-oligosaccharide promotes the growth of bifidobacterium genus in human body. It’s water-soluble, low caloric value and anti-caries properties make it commonly used as functional oligosaccharide.
Main Functions:
• Improves constipation and diarrhea
When the Isomalto-oligosaccharide is ingested, friendly bacteria in the body will increase in quantity by 10-1000 times. At the same time it produces short chain fatty acids such as acetic acid and lactic acids, forming a slight acidic environment for normal intestinal function while controlling the production and growth of external bacteria or bacteria from putrefaction process in the intestine. This reduces the growth and accumulation of toxin in intestines, improves bowel movement, cleans up waste materials in the bowel, prevent and improve constipation, diarrhea and hemorrhoids.
• Lowers Blood Pressure and Blood Lipids Level
The Harmony Prebiotic is made of quality water-soluble fiber. It can effectively lower serum cholesterol, triglycerides, free-radical in the blood. It is especially suitable for improving problems such as high-blood-pressure due to high lipids in the blood, arteriosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.
• Protects liver
When the bifidobacterium consume the Harmony Prebiotic, it can control the activities of putrefaction process by harmful bacteria, reduce production of toxin from the harmful bacteria’s metabolism, eliminate the toxin speedily, and thus reduce the stress on liver and protect liver’s function. All these resulted in effective prevention of chronic diseases, cancer and etc.
• Detoxification and beauty
The Harmony Prebiotic is able to prevent and improve skin problems such as pimples, pigmentation, freckles, acnes due to toxicity in body, resulting in glowing skin and slow down skin aging.
• Promotes formation of vitamins
Harmony Prebiotic promotes natural formation of vitamin B-complex and folic acid, increase metabolism, strengthen immune system and increase resistance to disease
• Promotes assimilation of minerals such as calcium, magnesium and zinc
Harmony Prebiotic promotes assimilation of calcium, magnesium, zinc and other minerals as well as protein from food. It improves indigestion and promotes growth and prevents osteoporosis.
• Prevents obesity and high blood sugar
Harmony Prebiotic will not be digestion by hydrochloric acids and digestive enzymes in gastrointestinal tract, and it will not be absorbed by the body. There is no fattening effect after ingested. The sweet taste will not affect metabolism of sugar and lipid, hence it is the best health product for diabetic patients and obese people.
• Anti-cariogenic (prevents tooth decay)
Harmony Prebiotic will not be utilized by microorganism such as Streptococus mutant in the oral system, thus it has the effect of anti-caries.
Suitable for those who have:
• Constipation, diarrhea, indigestion
• Imbalance micro-flora in the bowel due to antibiotic
• Pregnant ladies, lactation mothers, children who have stomach upset
• Children with calcium deficiency, nutrient deficiency, choosy eating habit or slow development
• Those with bad breath, dull skin, pimples, and lots of skin pigmentation
• Cancer patient receiving radioactive or chemotherapy treatment, major diseases, weakness after long-term disease.
• Those who have diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, arteriosclerosis, caries problem.
Serving suggestion
Serve method: can be mixed with warm water, or add to any liquid food. Best eaten with empty stomach, both in the morning and evening.
Serve quantity: for health maintenance – 9g/day, for healing – 18g-27g/day
Quantity varies for each person, watch out for the texture of stools, best guideline is to achieve smooth defecation and soft stools.
Baby >1yr, ½ tsp, 4 servings a day
Adult with bowel movement problem, 40g a day for 3 months
Adult who eat lots of fruit, 30g a day
Helps hemorrhoids -> poor bowel movement cause vein under pressure and expand or if serious, protrude out from skin. Prebiotic improves bowel movement, removes the pressure and let veins slowly recover its flexibility and heal hemorrhoids.