MY Natural Health

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How to beat radiation from nuclear fallout

Ever since the nuclear disaster in Japan happened, people around the places are deeply concern on the effect of the radioactive materials on our health. Potassium iodide around the world is sold-out as it is known that this iodide can protect our thyroid from the radiation. However, what are other things that we can do except potassium iodide? We in Malaysia might not be in the dangerous zone of high exposure to the radiation now, but this kind of knowledge might be handy to us in any emergency cases, or even for those cancer patients that undergo radiotherapy, or those that work closely with x-ray equipments.

I found an e-book from the internet about how to support your body's healing after intense exposure to radioactive. You can download the e-book for free. Please feel free to share with others.

here's the link:

happy reading!