MY Natural Health

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Benefits of the Sun

Most of us don't realize that exposure to the sun is actually beneficial to us, be it to our physical health, vision, mental health etc.

Many people when being told to expose to some sunlight, the response will be: nah, it will promote skin cancer!

It's really sad that we are being taught to be afraid of the sun, the source of living energy on earth. Well, its not that we are asked to be under the sun for hours until you get burnt, but at least 15 to 30 minutes of sunbathing a day is good to our health.

Here's some highlights and benefits of the sunlight to us:
1. Exposure to the sun enable our body to synthesize Vitamin D, which is a free source. You do not need to pay for the sunlight and you do not have to buy from the store/pharmacy. There is no side effect of man-made supplement.

2. Low Vitamin D level is associated with worse asthma. According to a study conducted by researchers from National Jewish Health in Denver and published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, asthmatics with low levels of vitamin D may suffer more severely from the disease than patients with sufficient levels of the vitamin.

3. Sunscreen blocks the UV radiation necessary for the body to synthesize vitamin D. And research showed that Vitamin D will decrease possibility of getting cancer by 70%.

4. Sunscreen can harm our skin and body as it contains dozens of chemicals and carcinogens that are highly absorb-able by the skin and go to our liver which become a burden for the organ to expel these toxins. And if these toxins were not able to be expelled and were accumulated near the skin, it resulted in skin cancer! (not prevent skin cancer!!)

5. Vitamin D helps to regulate immune system and prevent against chronic health conditions such as heart disease, dementia and cancer.

6. According to a study conducted by researchers from the Medical University of Graz, Austria, and published in the journal Clinical Endocrinology, by increasing circulating levels of vitamin D, sunbathing may help increase men's testosterone levels and thereby their sex drive.

7. Tanning effect is the best sunscreen naturally to block off the UV-a and UV-b.

8. Sunlight is actually beneficial to our vision. According to Bate's Method, one of the activities for vision improvement is sunning, where the head is turned towards the sun with eyes closed and let it bathed under the sun for several minutes a day.

Below is an interview with Moritz Andreas, author of "Cancer is not a Disease" about the myth of sunshine causing skin cancer.

From: iHealthTube Admin
Lack of sunshine causes skin cancer, according to Andreas Moritz. He explains why being the sun is actually good for you and your skin. Find out why your sunscreen is doing more harm than good. Also, you need vitamin D to prevent cancer.
Contributor(s): Moritz, Andreas

By maintaining healthy exposure to the sun and a balance diet comprises of lots of green vegetables and fruits while cutting down stimulating foods and artificial/process foods, we can be sure our body is nourished in the way it should be and stay healthy. And of course, another crucial element of being healthy is: Stay Happy!!

* sources for this article include:

Friday, July 23, 2010

Benefits of Spirulina

I made this quick benefit list for my husband, who always refuses to eat greens and whatever that is foreign to him, including fruits that he was not introduced to since childhood. To compensate the absence of greens and many good foods in his diet, I'm trying to introduce some spirulina to him to ensure he is getting some good nutrients for his health. Hopefully with the understanding of the benefits as listed below, I would entice him to consume some spirulina daily. I reckon many might be interested too so I paste it here for reference.

Benefits of Spirulina
- Sustainable food, offering more nutrition per acre than other food
- Contains 8 essential amino acids
- Contains 10 non-essential amino acids
- Rich in enzymes
- Rich in chlorophyll
- Rich in magnesium
- Rich in potassium
- Rich in calcium
- Rich in phosphorous
- Rich in B complex vitamins, including B6, biotin, B12, pantothenic acid, folic acid, inositol, niacin, riboflavin and thiamine
- Good source of essential fatty acids, including linoleic and arachidonic acid
- Contains carotenoids (antioxidants)
- Phycocyanin – important to healthy liver function and digestion of amino acids
- Porphyrin – forms active nucleus of hemoglobin
- Low in sodium
- Low in calories
- High nutrient density
- Highly bioavailable compare with isolated nutrients supplements
- Safe to consume in large amount
- Able to suppress an overactive immune system
- Fights chronic fatigue syndrome
- Powerful anti-inflammatory
- Promote mucosal immunity, improve symptoms of nasal discharge, sneezing, nasal congestion an itching
- Found to cause regression of cancer and tumor
- Potent antioxidant (vitamins C, vitamins E, selenium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, chromium) and body detoxifier (can reduce toxic effects of cadmium and free radicals)
- Promotes lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol
- Improve digestive tract health (suppress bad bacteria, stimulate beneficial flora to assure protection against infection and maximum nutrition from food that is eaten)

聯合國通過佛教慈濟基金會成為聯合國經濟及社會理事會 特殊諮詢委員

聯合國通過佛教慈濟基金會成為聯合國經濟及社會理事會 特殊諮詢委員
紀錄:陳怡君於 2010/07/20 AM 11:13

聯合國(UN)於台灣時間昨晚(七月十九日)十一點,紐約時間(七月十九日)上午十一點鐘召開經濟及社會理事會大會,會中正式通過「佛教慈濟基金會」(Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation)成為「聯合國經濟及社會理事會非政府組織的特殊諮詢委員」(NGO in Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC)。美國慈濟基金會紐約分會執行長張濟舵出席這項大會,並將這項好消息傳回慈濟台灣總會。






報 導:慈濟基金會

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Your Baby Loves What You Eat When Pregnant and Breastfeeding

Came across this article in the internet and thought to share it here. To all my breastfeeding friends and pregnant mothers, eat whatever stuffs that you want your baby to eat :)

Written by Sheryl Duruz

At the Monell Chemical Senses Centre in Philadelphia they were researching to see if what the mother ate affected the lifelong food and flavour preferences in their babies. Dr Mennella had a group made up of pregnant and nursing mothers carrot juice every day. Once eating food the children who were exposed to the taste of carrots through the amniotic fluid or breast milk were much keener on carrots than those whose mothers had not drunk carrot juice!

A similar study was then done on peaches and found the same result.

Then a third where breastfeeding mothers whose babies were startig to eat solids but hated green beans had a turn around once the mother started eating them too (and passed on the proof she was in her breast milk)!

Julie Mennella, who carried out the study, said: "Flavours from the mother's diet are transmitted through amniotic fluid and mother's milk. A baby learns to like a food's taste when the mother eats that food on a regular basis."

So if you want to help your children be healthy and enjoy healthy foods start early by taking excellent care of yourself!! Dr Mennella said: "If mothers want their babies to learn to like to eat vegetables, especially green vegetables, they need to provide them with opportunities to taste these foods."

Cheers (she clinks her glass of green juice)... to my future childs love of greens, peaches and all the bounty in the natural world!


Tuesday, July 6, 2010









儿子去美国留学,毕业后定居美国。还给我找了个洋媳妇苏珊。 如今,小孙子托比已经3岁了。今年夏天,儿子为我申请 了探亲签证。在美国待了三个月,洋媳妇苏珊教育孩子的方法, 令我这个中国婆婆大开眼界。


每天早上,托比醒来后,苏珊把早餐往餐桌上一放,就自顾 自 地忙去了。托比会自己爬上凳子,喝牛奶,吃面包片。吃饱 后,他回自己的房间,在衣柜里找衣服、鞋子,再自己穿上。 毕竟托比只有3岁,还搞不清楚子的正反面,分不清鞋子 的左右脚。有一次托比又把裤子穿反了,我赶紧上前想帮他 换,却被苏珊制止了。她说,如果他觉得不舒服,会自己脱 下来,重新穿好;如果他没觉得有什么不舒服,那就随他的 便。那一整天,托比反穿着裤子跑来跑去,苏姗像没看见一样。

又一次,托比出去和邻居家的小朋友玩,没多大会就气喘吁 吁 地跑回家,对苏珊说:“妈妈,露西说我的裤子穿反了,真 的吗?”露西是邻居家的小姑娘,今年5岁。苏姗笑着说: “是的,你要不要换回来?”托比点点头,自己脱下裤子, 仔细看了看,重新穿上了。从那以后,托比再也没穿反过裤子。

我不禁想起,我的外孙女五六岁时不会用筷子,上小学时不 会 系鞋带。如今在上寄宿制初中的她,每个周末都要带回家一大堆 脏衣服呢。

一天中午,托比闹情绪,不肯吃饭。苏珊说了他几句,愤怒 地 小托比一把将盘子推到了地上,盘子里的食物洒了一地。苏 姗看着托比,认真地说:“看来你确实不想吃饭!记住,从 现在到明天早上,你什么都不能吃。”托比点点头,坚定地 回答:“Yes!”我在心里暗笑,这母子俩,还都挺倔!

下午,苏珊和我商量,晚上由我做中国菜。我心领神会,托 比 告别爱吃中国菜,一定是苏珊觉得托比中午没好好吃饭,想让他 晚上多吃点儿。

那天晚上我施展厨艺,做了托比最爱吃的糖醋里脊、油闷大 虾, 还用意大利面做了中国式的凉面。托比最喜欢吃那种凉面,小小 的人可以吃满满一大盘。

开始吃晚饭了,托比欢天喜地地爬上凳子。苏珊却走过来, 拿 走了他的盘子和刀叉,说:“我们已经约好了,今天你不能 吃饭,你自己也答应了的。”托比看着面容严肃的妈妈,“哇” 地一声在哭起来,边哭边说:“妈妈,我饿,我要吃饭。”“不 行,说过的话要算数。”苏珊毫不心软。

我心疼了,想替托比求情,说点好话,却见儿子对我使眼色 。 想起我刚到美国时,儿子就跟我说,在美国,父母教育孩子 时,别人千万不要插手,即使是长辈也不例外。无奈,我只好保 持沉默。

那顿饭,从始至终,可怜的小托比一直坐在玩具车里,眼巴 巴 地看着我们三个大人狼吞虎咽。我这才明白苏珊让我做中餐 的真正用意。我相信,下一次,托比想发脾气扔饭碗时,一 定会想起自己饿着肚子看爸爸妈妈和奶奶享用美食的经历。 饿着肚子的滋味不好受,况且还是面对自己最喜爱的食物。

临睡前,我和苏珊一起去向托比道晚安。托比小心翼翼地问 : “妈妈,我很饿,现在我能吃中国面吗?”苏珊微笑着摇摇 头,坚决地说:“不!”托比叹了口气,又问:“那等我睡 完觉睁开眼睛时,可以吃吗?”“当然可以。”苏珊温柔地回 答。托比甜甜地笑了。

大部分情况下,托比吃饭都很积极,他不想因为“罢吃”而 错 过食物,再受饿肚子的苦。每当看到托比埋头大口大口地吃 饭,嘴上脸上粘的都是食物时,我就想起外孙女。她像托比 这么大时,为了哄她吃饭,几个大人端着饭碗跟在她屁股后 面跑,她还不买账,还要谈条件:吃完这碗买一个玩具,再吃一 碗买一个玩具……


有一天,我们带托比去公园玩。很快,托比就和两个女孩儿 玩 起了厨房游戏。塑料小锅、小铲子、小盘子、小碗摆了一地。 忽然,淘气的托比拿起小锅,使劲在一个女孩儿头上敲了 一下,女孩儿愣了一下,放声大哭。另一个女孩儿年纪更小 一些,见些情形,也被吓得大哭起来。大概托比没想到会有这么 严重的后果,站在一旁,愣住了。

苏珊走上前,开清了事情的来龙去脉后,她一声不吭,拿起 小 锅,使劲敲到托比的头上,托比没防备,一下子跌坐在草地 上,哇哇大哭起来。苏珊问托比:“疼吗?下次还这样吗?” 托比一边哭,一边拼命摇头。我相信他以后再也不会这么做了。

托比的舅舅送了他一辆浅蓝色的小自行车,托比非常喜欢, 当 成宝贝,不许别人碰。邻居小姑娘露西是托比的好朋友,央求托 比好几次,要骑他的小车,托比都没答应。

一次,几个孩子一起玩时,露西趁托比不注意,偷偷骑上小 车, 扬长而去。托比发现后,气愤地跑来向苏珊告状。苏珊正 和几个孩子的母亲一起聊天喝咖啡,便微笑着说:“你们的事情 自己解决,妈妈可管不了。”托比无奈地走了。

过了一小会儿,露西骑着小车回来了。托比看到露西,一把 将 她推倒在地,抢过了小车。露西坐在地上大哭起来。苏珊抱 起露西,安抚了她一会儿。很快,露西就和别的小朋友兴高采烈 地玩了起来。

托比自己骑了会车,觉得有些无聊,看到那几个孩子玩得那 么 高兴,他想加入,又觉得有些不好意思。他蹭到苏珊身边, 嘟囔道:“妈妈,我想跟露西他们一起玩。”苏珊不动声色 地说:“那你自己去找他们啦!”“妈妈,你陪我一起去。” 托比恳求道。“那可不行,刚才是你把露西弄哭的,现在你又想 和大家玩,就得自己去解决问题。”

托比骑着小车慢慢靠近露西,快到她身边时,又掉头回来。 来 回好几次,不知道从什么时候开始,托比和露西又笑逐颜开,闹 成了一团。


苏珊的父母住在加利福尼亚州,听说我来了,两人开车来探 望 我们。家里来了客人,托比很兴奋,跑上跑下地乱窜。他把 玩沙子用的小桶装满了水,提着小桶在屋里四处转悠。苏珊 警告了她好几次,不要把水洒到地板上,托比置若罔闻。最 后,托比还是把水桶弄倒了,水洒了一地。兴奋的小托比不 觉得自己做错了事,还得意地光着脚丫踩水玩,把裤子全弄 湿了。我连忙找出拖把准备拖地。苏珊从我手中抢过拖把交 给托比,对他说:“把地拖干,把湿衣服脱下来,自己洗干 净。”托比不愿意,又哭又闹。苏珊二话不说,直接把他拉 到贮藏室,关了禁闭。听到托比在里面发出惊天动地的哭喊, 我心疼坏了,想进去把他抱出来。托比的外婆却拦住我,说: “这是苏珊的事。”

过了一会儿,托比不哭了,他在贮藏室里大声喊:“妈妈, 我 错了。”苏珊站在门外,问:“那你知道该怎么做了吗?” “我知道。”苏珊打开门,托比从贮藏室走出来,脸上还挂 着两行泪珠。他拿起有他两个高的拖把吃力地把地上的水拖 干净。然后,他脱下裤子,拎在手上,光着屁股走进洗手间,稀 里哗啦地洗起衣服来。

托比的外公外婆看着表情惊异的我,意味深长地笑了。这件 事 让我感触颇深。在很多中国家庭,父母管教孩子时,常常会 引起“世界大战”,往往是外婆外公护,爷爷奶奶拦,夫妻吵 架,鸡飞狗跳。

后来,我和托比的外公外婆聊天时,提到这件事,托比的外 公 说了一段话,让我印象深刻。他说,孩子是父母的孩子,首 先要尊重父母对孩子的教育方式。孩子虽然小,却是天生的 外交家,当他看到家庭成员之间出现分歧时,他会很聪明地 钻空子。这不仅对改善他的行为毫无益处,反而会导致问题 越来越严重,甚至带来更多别的问题。而且,家庭成员之间 发生冲突,不和谐的家庭氛围会带给孩子更多的不安全感, 对孩子的心理发展产生不利影响。所以,无论是父辈与祖辈 在教育孩子的问题上发生分歧,还是夫妻两人的教育观念有差 异,都不能在孩子面前发生冲突。

托比的外公外婆在家里住了一周,准备回加利福尼亚了。临 走 前两天,托比的外公郑重地问女儿:“托比想要一辆玩具挖 掘机,我可以买给他吗?”苏珊想了想,说:“你们这次来, 已经送给他一双旱冰鞋作为礼物了,到圣诞节时,再买玩具挖掘 机当礼物送给他吧!”

我不知道托比的外公是怎么告诉小家伙的,后来我带托比去 超 市,他指着玩具挖掘机说:“外公说,圣诞节时,给我买这个当 礼物。”语气里满是欣喜和期待。

虽然苏珊对托比如此严格,托比去却对妈妈爱得不得了。他 在 外面玩时,会采集一些好看的小花或者他认为漂亮的叶子, 郑重其事地送给妈妈;别人送给他礼物,他会叫妈妈和他一起拆 开;有什么好吃的,也总要留一半给妈妈。

想到很多中国孩子对父母的漠视与冷淡,我不得不佩服我的 洋 媳妇。在我看来,在教育孩子的问题上,美国妈妈有很多值得中 国妈妈学习的地方

孩子虽然小,却是天生的外交家,当他看到家庭成员之间出现分歧时,他会很聪明地钻空子。这不仅对改善他的行为毫无益处,反而会导致问题 越来越严重,甚至带来更多别的问题。而且,家庭成员之间发生冲突,不和谐的家庭氛围会带给孩子更多的不安全感, 对孩子的心理发展产生不利影响。所以,无论是父辈与祖辈 在教育孩子的问题上发生分歧,还是夫妻两人的教育观念有差 异,都不能在孩子面前发生冲突。


Monday, July 5, 2010

Cucumber Power - Amazing!!

Cucumber Power - Blogdate 1/26/10

I bet every fruit and vegetable is a miracle food on this level....

The Amazing Cucumber

This information was in The New York Times several weeks ago as part of their "Spotlight on the Home" series that highlighted creative and fanciful ways to solve common problems. �

1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.

2. Feeling tired in the afternoon, put down the caffeinated soda and pick up a cucumber.� Cucumbers are a good source of B Vitamins and Carbohydrates that can provide that quick pick-me-up that can last for hours.

3. Tired of your bathroom mirror fogging up after a shower?� Try rubbing a cucumber slice along the mirror, it will eliminate the fog and provide a soothing, spa-like fragrance.

4. Are grubs and slugs ruining your planting beds?� Place a few slices in a small pie tin and your garden will be free of pests all season long.� The chemicals in the cucumber react with the aluminum to give off a scent undetectable to humans but drive garden pests crazy and make them flee the area.

5. Looking for a fast and easy way to remove cellulite before going out or to the pool?� Try rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along your problem area for a few minutes, the phytochemicals in the cucumber cause the collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up the outer layer and reducing the visibility of cellulite.� Works great on wrinkles too!!!

6. Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache?� Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed and wake up refreshed and headache free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and headache!!

7. Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge? Cucumbers have been used for centuries and often used by European trappers, traders and explores for quick meals to thwart off starvation.

8. Have an important meeting or job interview and you realize that you don't have enough time to polish your shoes?� Rub a freshly cut cucumber over the shoe, its chemicals will provide a quick and durable shine that not only looks great but also repels water.

9. Out of WD 40 and need to fix a squeaky hinge?� Take a cucumber slice and rub it along the problematic hinge, and voila, the squeak is gone!

10. Stressed out and don't have time for massage, facial or visit to the spa?� Cut up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water, the chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber with react with the boiling water and be released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been shown the reduce stress in new mothers and college students during final exams.

11. Just finish a business lunch and realize you don't have gum or mints?� Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath, the phytochemcials will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath.

12. Looking for a 'green' way to clean your faucets, sinks or stainless steel?� Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean, not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back the shine, but is won't leave streaks and won't harm you fingers or fingernails while you clean.

13. Using a pen and made a mistake?� Take the outside of the cucumber and slowly use it to erase the pen writing, also works great on crayons and markers that the kids have used to decorate the walls!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Is Cows Milk Good for Us?

Do we ever see any species nourish on other species' milk? I think apart from man-made occasion, human beings is the only species on earth that is feeding our babies with milk from other species, and with claims that they are better than our own human milk.

Humans being claimed as the one with wisdom on earth, and yet we do things the reverse way... Irony isn't?

Apparently, those people who rigorously promoting cow's milk over breastmilk for infant consumption is looking for good profit because they cannot make money out of mother's milk. Yup, when we breastfeed, we save thousands of dollars from buying formula/cow's milk and from health problem cause by cow's milk. The only person making money from this is the breastpump seller, which is only one time deal throughout the breastfeeding period.

Is cow's milk not good? Definitely not, cow's milk is the best for the calf. It is just not the best for human infant.

There are more and more scientific facts about why cow's milk is not the best for human consumption over these years. These reports just couldn't make themselves easily available for the public by the big milk company.

Cow's milk is not only not the best food for human infant; it is not the perfect food for human adult as well.

Below are some facts about cow's milk:
1. China Study - animal protein/casein can turn on cancer activity in our body
2. animal protein is mucus forming (so next time when you drink orange juice and develop phlegm, don't blame it on orange juice, you now know who's the culprit)
3. Cow's milk goes through many processes such as pasteurization, heating process and homogenization that alter the protein and fat structure and affects its nutritional value as well as digestion
4. the protein content has 80% casein 20% whey, comparing with mother's milk 40% casein 60% whey, is harder to be digested by babies
5. cow's milk has high saturated fat and very low essential fatty acids that is critical for babies' growth
6. cow's milk contains little amount of vitamin E, C, B and trace mineral
7. it doesn't have good bacteria for babies' guts like mother's milk
8. cow's milk does not build bone, instead the animal protein leach calcium from the bone. Study shown that those who get the most calcium from dairy products received no benefit and actually broke more bones than those who got little or no calcium from dairy. [1]
9. cows grown for milk live under stressed condition due to over-milk, diseases and infections. Milk from these cow are often loaded with variety of hormones, antibiotics and drugs.

For those who love and enjoy drinking milk, you can try non-dairy milk such as almond nut milk, sesame/pumpkin/sunflower seeds milk instead. It provides you good fat, plant-base protein and better absorption of calcium without the negative effects of dairy products.

[1]. Feskanich D, Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA. Milk, dietary calcium, and bone fractures in women: a 12-year prospective study. Am J Publ Health 1997;87:992-7.