MY Natural Health

Friday, July 23, 2010

Benefits of Spirulina

I made this quick benefit list for my husband, who always refuses to eat greens and whatever that is foreign to him, including fruits that he was not introduced to since childhood. To compensate the absence of greens and many good foods in his diet, I'm trying to introduce some spirulina to him to ensure he is getting some good nutrients for his health. Hopefully with the understanding of the benefits as listed below, I would entice him to consume some spirulina daily. I reckon many might be interested too so I paste it here for reference.

Benefits of Spirulina
- Sustainable food, offering more nutrition per acre than other food
- Contains 8 essential amino acids
- Contains 10 non-essential amino acids
- Rich in enzymes
- Rich in chlorophyll
- Rich in magnesium
- Rich in potassium
- Rich in calcium
- Rich in phosphorous
- Rich in B complex vitamins, including B6, biotin, B12, pantothenic acid, folic acid, inositol, niacin, riboflavin and thiamine
- Good source of essential fatty acids, including linoleic and arachidonic acid
- Contains carotenoids (antioxidants)
- Phycocyanin – important to healthy liver function and digestion of amino acids
- Porphyrin – forms active nucleus of hemoglobin
- Low in sodium
- Low in calories
- High nutrient density
- Highly bioavailable compare with isolated nutrients supplements
- Safe to consume in large amount
- Able to suppress an overactive immune system
- Fights chronic fatigue syndrome
- Powerful anti-inflammatory
- Promote mucosal immunity, improve symptoms of nasal discharge, sneezing, nasal congestion an itching
- Found to cause regression of cancer and tumor
- Potent antioxidant (vitamins C, vitamins E, selenium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, chromium) and body detoxifier (can reduce toxic effects of cadmium and free radicals)
- Promotes lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol
- Improve digestive tract health (suppress bad bacteria, stimulate beneficial flora to assure protection against infection and maximum nutrition from food that is eaten)

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