MY Natural Health

Monday, November 14, 2011

Genetically Modified Soy

I came across this news and wish to share it with everyone.

Feeding prisoners genetically modified soy products may be 'cruel and unusual' punishment

I am aware of some of the genetically-modified-soy's effect to our health and have been trying to avoid drinking soy milk and some other soy products when eating out. Many wonder why I don't like soy milk... i think this news should be reminder for myself and awareness for everyone on the seriousness of this issue.

We are ingesting lots of soy or soy products in our daily meal knowing or unknowingly. However, how many percent of them are genetically modified? Are we suffering from constipation, heart palpitations, rashes, depression, fatigue, overweight and bald/hair lost and infertility due to soy/soy products that we eat everyday unknowingly? Does anyone ever wonder why are we having all these problem and couldn't find the reason behind it?

Well, GM soy could be the reason.

More than 80% of the soy in the world are GM soy. So it is very high chance that the soy products that we buy from the stores are GM soy. Soy could be found in most of the commonly eaten everyday food, such as tofu, soy milk, taufu hua, beancurd, vegetarian fake meat, soy bean. Or it could hide in the food as the following ingredients: lecithin, soy protein, extracted vitamin E, soy powder, vegetable oil made from soy. All these can be additives in the food such as baby's formula milk powder, ice cream, biscuits, bread, margarine, soy yogurt, protein powder, yogurt drink, chips/crackers, sweets, chocolate bars, noodles and flour as well as skin care products and shampoo and etc.

You might be asking this question by now: so how do we avoid these soy products?

You can try to avoid them by reading the ingredients of the products that you are interested in for any of these soy ingredients, and whether if they are organic and non-GMO soy. If they do not state that organic and non-GMO soy is used, then it is very highly that the soy used are genetically modified.

Another approach is to buy fresh organic produce and avoid packaged/processed food.

Remember, we as consumer can demand for a change if we choose to avoid buying GM soy products or any other GM produce. Ignorance would cause us our health and worse is our future generation will have to pay in greater price because of our ignorance.

Choose wisely and live healthily!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

證嚴上人開示 : 防災之道






年累月、合和互協付出,眾力成城,就能築出最穩固的人心堤 防,才是防範災難的良


Friday, October 14, 2011




早在1965年,德國MAX PLANCK科研中心就有報告說,綠色植物的蛋白質的品質很高,高過肉和蛋。平常人只要熱量夠,蛋白質一定夠。美國雜食者(植物性食物、動物性食物都攝取的人)的蛋白質攝取量是人體所需的3倍以上。即便完全不吃動物性食物的人,蛋白質攝取量仍然是人體所需的2倍。而且組成蛋白質的八种基本氨基酸,有兩种遇熱就會分解,肉類大多必須煮熟之後才吃,由此可知肉類的蛋白質真正能被人體所利用的價值微乎其微。



Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Medicine vs Diet

An old Ayurvedic proverb says: "When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use; when diet is correct, medicine is of no need."

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Butterfly Circus

A person's value does not depend on what others see, but one sees in himself/herself. If we think we are worthless, we'll be living our belief. Life will be totally different with lots of wonderful chapters when we believe that we are unique and precious to the world.



If the link above did not work, please copy and paste the link to your browser.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Reveal the Link of Cancer and Our Daily Meals

Event: Health Talk - Reveal the link of Cancer and our daily meals

Speaker: Mr. Chong Fat Eng - Well-known nutritionist and trainer of holistic health science.

Date: 23 July 2011

Venue: Masyarakat Penyayang, Penang

5-7pm - free health check
7-10pm - talk

RM30 for adult (including healthy dinner and exchangeable for products worth RM20)
RM10 for children of 5 years and above

Please contact me for the tickets if you are interested to attend.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Interview with Dr. Masaru Emoto about the magic of Water

There are proven positive results on the practice of saying the below words to oneself in front of the mirror every morning and night:
I'm sorry, please forgive me
Thank you, I love you.

You might want to try it out for yourself, and who know there might be some pleasant surprise stored for you...

Cow's Milk Causes Allergy and Health Problem







Thursday, March 17, 2011

How to beat radiation from nuclear fallout

Ever since the nuclear disaster in Japan happened, people around the places are deeply concern on the effect of the radioactive materials on our health. Potassium iodide around the world is sold-out as it is known that this iodide can protect our thyroid from the radiation. However, what are other things that we can do except potassium iodide? We in Malaysia might not be in the dangerous zone of high exposure to the radiation now, but this kind of knowledge might be handy to us in any emergency cases, or even for those cancer patients that undergo radiotherapy, or those that work closely with x-ray equipments.

I found an e-book from the internet about how to support your body's healing after intense exposure to radioactive. You can download the e-book for free. Please feel free to share with others.

here's the link:

happy reading!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Homemade Ice Cream

Ice cream, a heavenly dessert... I am sure almost everyone likes it.

One of the most important ingredients of the yummy ice cream is milk/cream. Recently, I have tried my hands (or rather my thermomix) in making homemade ice cream and discover the extend of the cream's role in making a delicious ice cream... Hence, I started to crack my head for replacement for the cream in my homemade ice cream.

Bought a big pineapple last week. The original plan was to make pineapple sorbet.

When the ripen avocado on my counter-top came into my eye-sight just before I blended my pineapple, I knew the solution to the milk-less ice cream. Avocado!!

So here's the results:

Pineapple milk-less Ice Cream
Ingredients: 1 big Pineapple, 1 ripen avocado, cane sugar
Method: Cut the pineapple into cubes and freeze in the freezer beforehand. Put everything in the TM bowl and blend at speed 10 for 3 minutes, using the spatula to stir while it blend. *Freeze the end results for a few hours, then take out and blend again at speed 10 for 2 minute. Repeat * for as many times as needed to reach the desired smooth texture of ice cream, or serve immediately if you are not too particular on the texture.

You can omit the cane sugar if the pineapple is sweet enough, or substitute with rock sugar (need to grind into powder before adding in) or other natural sweetener.

My son and my husband love it! Now I finally have homemade ice cream that I can feed my family without the worry of consuming too much dairy products or other unknown ingredients from the store-bought ones.

Hope you like it too!

Common Hair Treatment Kills School Teacher in Kazakhstan

Read from one of the newsletter from The Raw Family, Victoria Boutenko, about a news on hair coloring... I extracted the paragraph as below:

Common Hair Treatment Kills School Teacher in Kazakhstan

During my visit in Moscow, another shocking episode occurred. I was surprised to hear from several women, that they will, "Never ever again color their hair!" My sister, Marina, explained to me that a few months ago, one tragic event made the headlines of every major paper and TV news channel. Apparently, a 31-year old school teacher applied a routine color treatment to her hair, as she had done for many years on a regular basis. Only this time, she has developed an allergic reaction, she felt burning and the skin on her skull quickly began to swell. The young woman attempted to wash the color off without any success. Her heart stopped in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. Official expertise concluded that the chemicals in the coloring treatment killed her. To the shock of the nation, this hair coloring treatment was very common and widely used. Here is one of the links to this information: I so much appreciate that I was able to reverse my graying hair by regularly consuming green smoothies and never had to use any hair coloring.


I have always have my natural hair color and never did any dye before. I love my black hair and am very proud of it. However, coloring hair is so common that many people dye their hair as common habit. Even when I go for my haircut, they will ask me to dye my hair, saying that the color will highlight my overall look and make it more prominent. However, I would just smile and say thank you but no I don't want to dye my hair.

More and more people found that they have gray or white hair at younger age... and coloring their hair would help them hide those ugly gray/white hair. Especially ladies above forties, dyeing hair becomes a routine in order to cover up the newly grown white hairs.

I am more supportive to the natural color made from plants that you can usually buy from the indian shop. Its in powder form and its a lot cheaper (last that I heard was about RM2) and safer. That is if coloring hair is a must.

From nutritional point of view, gray/white hair is usually an indicator of minerals lacking in our body. Many people find that consuming lots of greens actually helps to reduce white hair growth. Dr. Ann Wigmore actually had her hair reverted back to its natural color after she turned to raw food diet.

So for our own health's sake, everyone should try to eat more raw greens, be it for beautiful young skin, for natural hair color, or for health. There is definitely more gain than lose.

As a last note, please don't forget to choose organic greens for higher nutritional value.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Birds and fishes wiped out in mysterious death

Just last week, nearly 100,000 fishes washed up on the shores of the Arkansas River, dead. And, thousands of red-winged blackbirds fell from the sky and plummeted to the ground where they were also found dead. The scene repeated itself in Southern Louisiana where 500 red-winged blackbirds recently plunged out of the sky, dead on arrival, and in Chesapeake Bay, thousands of dead fish have begun washing up onto bay shores.

What do all these mean to us? Some said its the waves from the cell phone towers. Some said someone is doing secret experiments on these living things. Some said it could be due to the pesticides. Some just blame it on some 'diseases'...

Whatever the reason is, I think it is really time for everyone to understand the risks of our modern lifestyles that we enjoy so much would bring to us. Some degree of drastic changes should be done.

I remember I once heard from Dr.Lai Chiu-Nan about the incidence of a large flock of birds were seen plummeted to the ground and population of honey bees were greatly reduced just after the invention and growing implementation of mobile telecommunication. There were research that shown after the bees were put near to a live mobile phone for more than 15 minutes, they lost their direction to go back to their hives. Could it be the same for those birds as well, losing their flying direction? There are many studies and researches out there that have already proven that the electromagnetic field from the wireless (be it mobile communication or wireless internet), electric appliances and cabling would cause harmful effects to our health.

If possible, would you take a short break from your busy schedule and start checking back your life on the below:

*are you using wireless internet at home?
if yes, at least turn off during the night when you do not need it, so that you get to have a true rest for your body. Changing to cable would be even better choice.

*are you using pesticide in your garden to keep bugs and weeds from your beautiful flowers?
if yes, please try to turn to organic gardening by doing composting

*are you using lots of chemical cleaning agents in your house?
if yes, please start to change them to using garbage enzymes that is friendly to the environment. They do equally good job to help you clean up the toilet too. (send me email if you would like to learn how to make the garbage enzymes, the only cost is the brown sugar from grocery stores)

*are you or your maid cleaning your car porch with running water from the tap?
if yes, its time to change back to broom and mop with a pail of water to conserve water supply

*are you using anti-microbial cleaning agent because of doctors said we need to kill all bacteria whenever possible?
If yes, please revert back to the normal soap and water. Normal soap and water is sufficient to kill the bacteria on your hands. The ingredient that provide anti-microbial property actually is harmful to the environment and our health (circulate back to us from water and food), and the degree of side-effects to our health is yet to be concluded.

These action might add some extra efforts to your life, but it could also save you from more complicated problems in future.

For our Health
For our Children
For our Future Generation

Study: Children exposed to far too much radiation from imaging scans

I suppose not only children are exposed to lots of harmful vaccines, but also many radiation scans that were not even invented during our childhood time.

Many always wonder why are there so many little lives suffering in the hospital from all sorts of deadly diseases... Could it be because we have exposed ourselves and our children to too much of unnecessary radiation? Should we take all the scans as advised by any doctors?

In many corporate companies, exempt staffs are offered the benefit of health check with the expenses covered by the company. For example, the company that I work in, all managers get to go for a free complete health check every 2 years. These health check includes blood test, urine test, fitness, cholesterol, papsmear and x-ray scan on the chest. Everyone who gets the benefit would go for the full packaged offered, including the chest x-ray, regardless of nothing wrong with the chest... I guess, that is the norm. I did that too on my first check. But now I realized how wrong I had been. X-ray (and other scans) should be avoided as much as possible, only do it when really necessary as it causes harmful effects that we might not aware of immediately.

(NaturalNews) The amount of radiation-emitting imaging scans administered to children is on the rise, and many experts are worried about the long-term negative effects of this toxic exposure. A new study published in the journal Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine has found that the average child will receive seven radiation scans by the time he or she is 18 years old. And besides X-rays, many children now receive CT scans, which emit up to 400 times the amount of radiation as chest X-rays.

"Today's children are undoubtedly getting many more of these [scans] than previous generations," explained Dr. Adam Dorfan, lead author of the study from the University of Michigan Medical School. "That's particularly concerning."

Researchers compiled health insurance data from over 355,000 children living Arizona, Texas, Florida and Wisconsin, to arrive at their findings. They found that eight percent of evaluated children received at least one CT scan in a three-year period, and three percent received two or more in the same period. Researchers also determined that roughly six million U.S. children will receive at least one CT scan within a three-year period.

A New York Times report from March sheds a bit of light onto why imaging scans have been on the increase, particularly heavy-radiation CT scans. According to the report, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials have been quick to approve CT scans for all sorts of uses, despite warnings from its own scientists that the scans often needlessly expose patients to very high levels of cancer-causing radiation (

The same report indicates that since 1980, the rate of CT scans has increased by over 2300 percent. And roughly 14,000 people die every year as a result of imaging scan radiation exposure.

Learn more:

I try to stay away from hospitals and clinics as much as possible, and I'm thankful that I am in no need to submit medical claim from my insurance offered by my workplace for my family. Should always remember that not claiming any medical claim is not a waste but a blessing.

Wish everyone enjoy a happy and healthy new year!